Principal's Message - Week 5, Term 1
I remember reading an account of a conversation amongst some university staff about the differences in faith beliefs. Apparently, the question was asked: 'What makes Christianity different from other faith beliefs?' The story goes that they were wrestling with different ideas and then C.S. Lewis walked into the room. They asked him the same question and he didn’t hesitate to respond, "It's Grace!".
I think the concept of grace is one that our society has an uncomfortable relationship with. The idea that we receive something that we haven’t earned or deserve usually makes us sceptical. Have you ever answered the phone or been on the internet to be given the message, ‘Congratulations! You’ve won a free…’? Our natural inclination is to think there is some catch, we are far more comfortable with the adage, ‘You don’t get something for nothing’.
For me, therein lies the problem with being able to understand grace. There are lots of passages in the Bible that explain how our salvation is a gracious gift from God. Hopefully you are familiar with the passage we placed up at the entrance to the Junior School: Ephesians 2:8-9, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast." We will never be able to earn our forgiveness; it is a gracious gift from God. A gift that we should be eternally thankful for.
Even though there is nothing we can do to receive this grace, it doesn’t fall into the category of getting something for nothing. Indeed the cost of the gift we have received was the highest price God could pay – allowing the crucifixion of His own Son. There was an incredible consequence for us to be able to receive grace. I think Dietrich Bonhoeffer said it well when he wrote, "Grace is free, but it is never cheap."
Sometimes I have chatted with people who feel that grace means that we must forgive with no consequences. At times I have even heard people say, “I thought I would have been shown more grace in this instance”, implying that grace is almost an entitlement. When I read the Bible, I certainly don’t get the sense that this how God treats grace. We have an unfathomable gift of being able to live forever in Heaven with our Lord and Saviour. But that gracious act came at a great cost.
As I watch the news or read the paper I am constantly reminded of the sinful and fallen world we live in. As Paul wrote in Romans 3, "We are all sinners." What a wonderful reminder that despite all of this God has shown His gracious nature to forgive us and orchestrate a pathway for us to be back in relationship with Him. I pray that this will be an encouragement to you as you reflect on the amazing grace that has saved us all.
God bless,