Chess: After-school chess workshops are held throughout the year, run by Sydney Academy of Chess.
Spelling Bee: The top spellers of each grade have the opportunity to compete in our annual Spelling Bee.
Yearbook Cover Competition - Students are invited to submit an artwork for the Yearbook Cover Competition each year.
Private Tuition Concerts: End-of-term performances for students learning an instrument through Private Music Tuition at school. This is organised through the music tutors.
Science Fair: The Science Fair is a Term 2 extension project primarily suited to Years 4-8 students, although younger students who have a great interest in science, strong literacy skills and support from home may also find this project a satisfying challenge. Please note that participation in the Science Fair for K-3 students is by teacher invitation and these students would need a great deal of extra support from parents at home.
Evening of Eminence: This extension project spans Terms 3 and 4, primarily suited to Years 4-8 students, although younger students who have strong literacy skills and support from home may also find this project a satisfying challenge. Please note that participation in Evening of Eminence for K-3 students would be by teacher invitation and these students would need a great deal of extra support from parents at home.
Participating students will choose a well-known person, who has made a positive impact on the world, to learn about and present on. Each week they complete a new task, building up both their portfolio of work and knowledge of their chosen person. Among other things, they will write, create artworks, draw maps, create historical timelines and discover how Mathematicss and Science relate to their chosen eminent person. Towards the end of Term 4, all their effort and creativity come together as they deliver a speech and showcase a display of their wonderful work. Parents and friends are invited to enjoy a fabulous evening where they get to meet and walk around interviewing these incredible people who have changed our world for the better.