Junior School Pastoral Care & Wellbeing
Wellbeing is so important for our students and it is one of our key priorities and strengths. The security of knowing safe people in a safe place, whilst being known and appreciated, is vital to students flourishing. In our community, we have the additional blessing of helping students understand that they are known and loved by a living and caring God.
Teachers have the primary responsibility for the wellbeing of the students in their care. They do this by creating a caring, supportive, encouraging, kind, exciting and welcoming classroom environment where students, and teachers, are encouraged to take educational risks in order to maximise student achievement and engagement.
Student Learning Support Officers are also available to assist student learning challenges, thereby providing a supportive framework for students to achieve at their own pace.
The teachers are well supported by our compassionate and kind counsellors, who are always willing to assist students that are seen to be struggling emotionally. Students can also self-elect to have quiet and discreet chats with our counselling team. Caesar the Golden Labrador is also a part of our Wellbeing Team, and brings joy, peace and comfort to many of our students. We have access to a variety of programs to support individuals and groups of students that experience anxiety, grief and loss.
In Junior School we also promote Pastoral Care groups where our Year 6 Pastoral Care Leaders host lunchtime sessions for students to enjoy fun activities, support and prayer.
Playgrounds can be confronting places for some students. In order to support our students we provide multiple areas for them to relax and be calm during breaks, away from the noise of a busy playground. We have Chill Zone for Infants and for Primary aged students, where they can sit in a supervised air-conditioned room and chat quietly with friends, play on a device, read a book, or construct with Lego or finish assignments and homework. We also open our Library at lunchtimes for students to read or play quiet board games.