Secondary School Library Services
Our Library is open from 8:30am until 4pm each day. Students are able to borrow books on a two-week loan from a wide-range of genres including:
All students have access to digital library resources including World Book and Wheelers eBooks.
There are a number of spaces for Years 11 and 12 students to work both collaboratively and for quiet individual study during their Study Lessons. Students who select to study a subject via Distance Education complete their course studies in our Library.
Secondary School students are required to submit assignments with complete APA6 referencing. Teachers and the Teacher Librarian are available to help with this. All assignments submitted digitally are scanned for plagiarism. This is used to help students develop research and referencing skills.
We celebrate the CBCA Book Week with our Literacy Day each year. This day includes a whole-school parade. Our Secondary students participate in dressing up with their Home Room.
There are many activities for students to be involved in during lunchtimes with a Lego Challenge, Maker Space, chess, puzzles and games.
We invite all of our school community to join our library to access our resources.